Family Promise Gardens
Rock Hill, South Carolina
We've found immense fulfillment in elevating and caring for the gardens at the Family Promise Shelter, aiming to create a more welcoming environment for their residents. Our partnership with the non-profit began in 2022 with the installation of vibrant flowering containers at the entrance, adding a burst of color and warmth to greet visitors.
But of course, our members didn't stop there. We successfully designed and implemented a Carolina Fence Garden in a previously neglected area of the shelter's yard. Bursting with pollinator-friendly plants and adorned with a charming bench, this garden serves as a serene oasis for all who frequent the shelter.
Continuing our commitment to enhancing the shelter's landscape, our members have diligently tended to this garden, ensuring its continued beauty and vitality. Building upon this success, we recently installed a new shade garden near the Family Promise back entrance, further enriching the shelter's outdoor space.
We caught a couple of our members dedicated to maintaining the gardens' beauty taking a well-deserved bench break.