National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC)
2023-2025 Theme: Go Green. Plant America!
To aid in the protection and conservation of natural resources, promote civic beauty, encourage improvement of roadsides and parks
To encourage and assist in establishing and maintaining botanical gardens and other horticultural centers for the advancement of science, enjoyment, and education of the public
To study and advance the arts of gardening, horticulture, floral design, landscape design, and environmental sciences
To cooperate with other organizations in the furtherance of foregoing objectives by activities as may be determined by the Board of Directors of NGC
To further horticultural education, conservation, and landscape design through gift scholarships
South Atlantic Region (SAR)
The Garden Club of South Carolina (GCSC)
2023-25 Theme: “Legacy Gardening” Past - Present - Future"
To encourage civic planting and beautification and the establishment and maintenance of roadside parks
To promote the protection and conservation of our natural resources
To maintain The Memorial Garden and establish roadside memorials on designated Blue Star Highways honoring our war dead and living veterans
To further horticultural education, conservation, and landscape design through scholarships
To advance the arts of gardening, landscape design, flower arranging, and horticulture through schools, symposiums, and non-commercial flower shows
To coordinate the interest and activities of this organization and to cooperate with other organizations in the furtherance of the aforementioned objectives in such activities as may be determined by the Board of Directors
To give awards for achievement in beautification, conservation, and horticulture
To encourage the love of all phases of garden club work among youth
East Piedmont District (EPD)
GOTC is proud to be a member of the following
Brenda Moore
NGC President 2023-25
David Stoudenmire,
GCSC President 2023-25